okay so we start of witth the winx and the beach relaxing and celebrating
(kind of) that they finally have earned sirenix YAY! and wow
I love there new bathing suits if
anyone has seen a bathing suits like theese,TELL ME!!
anyway so then we hit the waves but
"in all honesty sky, I'm tired of cleaning this beach" |
Meanwhile in 3D land.....
tritanis and the trix are in the infinit oceon and.....NO! worst lines ever! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Darcy:so were here,so what?
Tritanus:so what? SO EVERYTHING!
what the heck writers!
omg tritanus's hand is huge compared to icys! |
I feel really bad for darcy and stormy,I know they don't really talk that much in the show but wow!
anyways so tritanus sits in the emperors throne, tritanus sits in it and nothing happens he trys again and still nothing,he then gets really angry and stabs the throne (sorta) with his tridant and it realeases some magic and zaps him and he falls,like 50 feet or something and turns back into his normal not ugly self
wow thats a long fall |
back on the beach were all done cleaning yay! and stella has an idea to make a new biodigradable line of clotheing (doesnent that already exist?) anyway so then tecna shows aisha a island made of trash and aparently there are trash islands everywere on earth and I swear this is the only actual sentece's tecna has said in this episode. now were at the scene of stellas fashion show, I already did a post about this scene so I'll skip it.......
skip a little more and....okay! so after that scene theres more trash coming back
ooooh and stella says she hates brandon (yes! finally we get a couple with issues besides musa and riven :) though then again I should probably keep my mouth shut ,anybody still remember krystall?)
anyway so then we go to fight tritanis and YAY! 2D sirenix transformation! wich isn't actually that long :( meanwhile the trix and tritanis go to the island of trash,stormy makes a tornado to suck up all the polution and tritanus turns back to his ugly monstery (is that even a word?) self :(
is musa's hair suposed to be that long!?!?! |
was just for th infinit oceon!??!?! so now we get them in all the waters grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! >.< (aain)
in my opion: that looks like something you would see in your nightmaress,not something cute. |
so then the winx go into the infinit oceon and see something mothing....its the selkies! wow they look really freaky in 3D,they show the winx were tritanus is and bloom says a really dumb line: "show us!" I know its a small line bur it was kinda ovious they would show you,in my opion it should have been something like this:
serina: we saw tritanus come with us quick!"
thats not perfect but its better.
we finally catch up to them and the winx act suprised the trix have sirenix powers too,uh but bloom u already knew that, omnia told you last time!
the selkies help the winx by making there outfits sparky....I mean..uh...making there powers stronget!...yeah.and oooh new spells! but only bloom,stella and aisha cast a spell, hey winx heres an idea maybe u would of actually knoked tritanus down if all of u casted a sticken spell!
and now for the moment u've all been waiting for! if u remember the preview from episode 13 were the narator says tritanus has a trap thing for aisha? if u guessed turning her into a monster, u were wrong. tritanus shows aisha what her family has become (how can he tell wich ones wich????) and instead of the winx going after tritanus they don't,wich is a good idea I mean what would u actually do? u know what they say: think before you act (plus theres only a few more minuite left in the episode) aisha crys (not that I don't feel sorry for her but aisha,you already knew this,the selkies told u in episode 8) scene over!
the winx are back on the beach afterwards and blooms parents come again and say there going to clean up that island,um how?!? u can't fly they don't have wings and theres no way they can just swim there! (then again theres helecopters) on the last few seconds we see aisha crying on the beach awe poor aisha :( give her a break rainbow! shes been through too much!
next episode
eep I can't wait! OMG! stellas mum!!! shes so pretty! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!
well that was my reveiw,sorry it took so long.
see ya next time! :)
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